31 October 2017
Get your Mexican Midweek Meal fix this Day of the Dead!
Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) originated 3,000 years ago with the Aztecs, who had annual ceremonies, not to mourn, but to honor the deceased and to welcome the temporary return of their spirits. - Huffington Post

It’s said for the Mexican Festival Day of the Dead that spirits of loved ones come back to enjoy their favourite items – especially food! To celebrate we’ve pulled together a few delicious recipes for you to enjoy a Mexican inspired feast.
All the recipes below are quick and easy so absolutely perfect for midweek.
As well as some of the more well known Mexican dishes we are also given our own spin on the Mexican classic Burrito with a Roast Beef version. All the best bits from a traditional British roast all neatly packed into a mouth-watering Yorkshire Pudding wrap