Roast Beef with All the Trimmings (Easy)
An easy version of roast beef using prepared Yorkshire puddings, gravy and roast potatoes

prep time
10 mins

cook time
1 hour 20 minutes

6 people
To Cook Rare: 20 minutes per 450g plus 20 minutes
To Cook Medium: 25 minutes per 450g plus 25 minutes
To Cook Well Done: 30 minutes per 450g plus 30 minutes
- 1.3kg lean rump roast or topside joint
- 1 tablespoon English mustard powder
For the Yorkshire Puddings:
- 1 x 220g bag prepared Yorkshire puddings
For the Gravy:
- 300ml prepared gravy
For the Roast Potatoes:
- 1 x 1kg bag prepared roast potatoes
- Preheat the oven to 180-190°C, 160-170°C Fan, Gas mark 4-5.
- Place the joint on a chopping board, score the skin, pat dry with absorbent kitchen paper and rub the mustard over the surface and season.
- Place the beef on a metal rack in a large roasting tin and open roast for the preferred, calculated cooking time, basting occasionally with the rich beefy juices. If the bottom of the pan seems a little dry, add a little beef stock or water.
- Prepare the roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and gravy according to the packet instructions.
- Serve the beef with all the trimmings and horseradish sauce.